RANKU documentation

FAQ - Manual - This documentation is work in progress and gets continuously improved.

General questions

Is this a free tool?
What is this tool?
Do we actually need it?
Why should I use Ranku instead of intuitively identifying important projects for my Organization?
How does it work?
How often do we need to use this tool?
Are you planning to add any additional features?
How can I report a bug or request a feature?

Basic operations

How to start?
How to create projects?
How to define factors?
How to score projects?
Where to check the priorities?
Can other members participate in prioritization?
What kind of user types are supported?


What to do if I don’t receive emails from Ranku (registration emails, scoring emails etc.)?
What should I do if I notice a bug or a problem?
Is this a free tool?
Yes, absolutely. Created by the Project Manager for fellas Project Managers in attempt to share a quick and easy tool for better projects/programs navigation.

What is this tool?
This simple tool is designed to systemize projects prioritization approach. It helps product/project/program/portfolio managers to understand why we execute projects in terms of their importance for your Organization from the strategic point of view. Projects prioritization is the essential element of the Portfolio Management.

Do we actually need it?
Well, the answer is ‘yes’ if your Organization runs multiple projects or programs. Especially if you’ve already been in a situation when you felt your Company had been spending major efforts on initiatives which were not very important, while truly important projects did not get enough attention.

Why should I use Ranku instead of intuitively identifying important projects for my Organization?
This tool utilizes the matrix approach when a qualitative analysis is conducted for each project. Results of such analysis are presented graphically which makes it easy to understand for all stakeholders. This approach prevents common mistakes associated with the “intuitive” judgement when wrong projects are prioritized for execution, which can potentially result in serious organizational mistakes.

How does it work?
The prioritizing process is pretty simple and consists of 4 steps:

1.ProjectsList down your projects.
2.FactorsIdentify project factors applicable to your Organization and their weights.
3.EvaluationConduct evaluation of projects against each factor.
4.ResultsReview scores and see if they reflect the real projects importance.

You can also add your team members or organizational stakeholders to participate in this process.

How often do we need to use this tool?
Ranku can be used as often as needed. Agile organizations can conduct prioritization sessions on a monthly basis as a recommended frequency.

Are you planning to add any additional features?
This tool is still a work in progress. Some features are still yet to come:

  1. Additional languages.
  2. API integration with popular PM tools such as Jira/Confluence, Teamwork.
  3. Responsive design for mobile devices.

How can I report a bug or request a feature?
Just shoot RANKU an email: [email protected]
How to start?
Create your Ranku account by submitting a simple registration form at the home page (https://ranku.app). Once your account is created, login (https://ranku.app/login) and you’re ready to start!

How to create projects?
Once logged in: ☰ (top left) => Projects => ADD PROJECT (bottom of the page).

How to define factors?
Once logged in: ☰ (top left) => Factors => ADD FACTOR (bottom of the page)

How to score projects?
Once logged in: ☰ (top left) => MATRIX => UPDATE SCORES (bottom of the page)

Where to check the priorities?
Once logged in: ☰ (top left) => Priorities

Can other members participate in prioritization?
You can add additional users and assign them projects for prioritization here: ☰ (top left) => My Team

What kind of user types are supported?
From the permissions perspective, at the moment there are two users types defined in the system:

  • Administrators. This type of users can access to full set of controls - they can create projects, define factors, create users, change user types, provide scores and assign projects to specific users for prioritization.

  • Product Managers. These users have limited access - they can only score and review scores of specific projects which are assigned to them by the Administrators.
What to do if I don’t receive emails from Ranku (registration emails, scoring emails etc.)?
Please check the spam/junk folder of your email client.

What should I do if I notice a bug or a problem?
Just shoot RANKU an email: [email protected]
Start prioritizing your projects

Gain valuable insights about your Company's portfolio